de Alona Liasheva Traducere din limba engleză de Corina Ovcearenco. „Agentul imobiliar a spus că astăzi au fost înregistrate peste 300 de cereri, și doar 5 apartamente au fost găsite cu succes.” „Am căutat în toată regiunea Lvov și nu am găsit nimic în orașul Lvov, dar am reușit să găsim un apartament în Lutsk, așa că ne îndreptăm acolo.” „Probabil că va trebui să mă întorc la Harkov„. Am auzit zilnic discuții similare în Lvov. Cred că situația este asemănătoare în multe locuri din vestul Ucrainei și estul Poloniei, iar astfel de cuvinte au împânzit teritoriile în care se…
Interview with Ion Marcel (fragments) A debt incurred years ago makes you uncomfortable and clouds your judgment. And as a bitter statement: any wrong steps where money is concerned snowballs into something as disastrous as losing your home. I was born on November 22nd, 1971, in Bucharest. My father was a local, my mother was from Sibiu, I’m half-Transylvanian. Since 2001 I’ve been working as a teacher, because the factories where I used to work… the factories are closed or demolished and abandoned or turned into new blocks or flats. SC Danubiana was the first factory I ever worked in,…

“Every person in this world should have a place to sleep, eat and wash up”
Interview with FLORIAN VODĂ In 2001, at Creangă Theatre in Bucharest, I saw Vodă perform in the play Acasă [Home] (text by Ludmila Razumovskaia, directed by Radu Apostol), which revolutionized the Romanian theatre through its social and community-oriented approach and its solid poetic construction. Acasă marked the path for new theatrical practices, for profound aesthetic and political reflections upon extremely vulnerable realities, upon the world of fragile “undesirables” whose self-representation is usually shunned by the art with capital A. Acasă was created by director Radu Apostol together with a group of homeless children and two professional actresses, after six months…

Interview with SORIN, one of the clients who sued the Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR)
In the spring of 2013, political scientist Vladimir Bortun conducted several interviews with clients of banks which gave out mortgage loans. The clients talk about their relationship with the banks, about the banks’ unilateral decisions and abusive clauses. How did your relationship with BCR begin? Well, I decided to stop paying rent and move with the family, we couldn’t fit in a one-bedroom flat anymore. And we thought we’d take out a loan. What year was this? Late 2007, early 2008. I went to several banks, I asked for several offers, and in the end I thought BCR gave me…

“The state bank could not retain more than a third of my monthly salary, as I was supposed to be able to live on the rest of it.”
Interview with IULIA MERSOIU Iulia Mersoiu is my mother, she is 62 and more than 40 of them were spent working as a surgery and internal medicine nurse at the Prahova County Hospital in Ploiesti. She was assigned to work in Ploiesti in 1974 and rented a flat until she contracted a housing mortgage in 1978. First of all, please tell me when and how did you come to Ploiesti? I did my nursing studies in Ploiesti between 1972 and 1974, coming from Ramnicu Sarat, Buzau County. I was assigned by the state to work in the city after nursing…