Short synthesis by Marius-Alexandru Dan, provided in 2020 in the frame of the project Housing, social mobilisations and urban governance in Central and Eastern Europe, financed by The Swedish Research Council FORMAS [Grant 2016-00258], to serve The Common Front for Housing Rights. The socio-political context on the eve of 1864 land reform According to the 1859-1860 census, the population of the United Principalities[1] numbered 3.9 million people, with around 90% living in rural settlements and only 10% in cities. By occupation, 71% of them were farmers, 10% were craftsmen and workshops workers, 6.5% merchants, moneylenders and other freelancers, 5%…
Scurtă sinteză realizată de Marius-Alexandru Dan în anul 2020, în cadrul proiectului Housing, social mobilisations and urban governance in Central and Eastern Europe, finanțat de Swedish Research Council FORMAS [Grant 2016-00258]. Scopul textului este acela de a veni în sprijinul activităților Frontului Comun pentru Dreptul la Locuire, de rezistență la evacuările din imobilele retrocedate. Situația socio-politică în ajunul reformei agrare din 1864 Principatele Unite După recensământul efectuat în anii 1859-1860, populația Principatelor Unite număra 3,9 milioane de locuitori; majoritatea lor, cca. 90% trăia în localități cu caracter rural; la oraşe, fără târgușoarele de tip sătesc, locuia cca. 10% din…
Cinderella’s Lift of the Heel. The Theatre of Children Well Heard
by Mihaela MICHAILOV Each time I write an article dedicated to the theatre for children and teenagers, I inevitably ask myself a few questions: whose is the theatre addressing the youths? does it take into consideration the structural changes of childhood? does it know its children and teens? how aware is this theatre of the fundamental role it could take in forming the children and teens, in the spirit of attachment to emancipatory, liberating stories? how eager is this theatre to diversify the children’s experiential horizon, to deconstruct the stereotypes they borrow, to show them the possibility of change they…
CONFERINȚELE DE VARĂ DE LA TELCIU / Telciu Summer Conferences, 26-27 august 2016 – Rurality, Modernity and (De)coloniality
Call for Papers 26-27 August 2016 Telciu-Bistrița, Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania The 5th Annual Telciu Summer Conference focuses on the intertwined topics of rurality, modernity, and (de)coloniality. The concepts of modernity and rurality remain theoretically and analytically contested. Nevertheless, our premise is that that they are mutually constitutive on both the conceptual and on the concrete socio-economic levels. Rather than opposite ends of a continuum ranging from tradition (associated with rurality, the periphery, and the past) to globalization (associated with modernity, the present, and core power), both the rural and the modern are inherent to and heirs of imperial, colonial and post…
Speak Softly and Carry A Big Stick – The Anti-Semitic Student Movement of Interwar Romania (fragments)
By Elisabeth Weber The interwar period, often dubbed “The Golden Age of Romanian Culture”, was also the age of student violence and disorder. Several student strikes and many violent conflicts between “Christian” students and Jews left their mark on the everyday academic life of those times. Anti-Semitic aggressions led to interventions from the authorities and university shut-downs lasting several months. If classes were not suspended, they were held in the presence of the military, which was requested to keep the campuses safe. The protests were legitimate, since the students were faced with overcrowded campuses and lacked the conditions to study.…
The Persecution of Left-Wing Activists in Romania before 1945 (fragments)
By David Schwartz […] The present text is not a historical research, nor does it aim for an exhaustive approach, but rather attempts to draw some basic directions – primarily on the basis of personal histories of progressive militants – in what concerns the way in which the political regime in interwar and wartime Romania treated leftist movements: from marginalization to outlawing, from surveillance to random arrests, beatings, torture, the gunning down of union members during the strikes and the physical extermination of Jewish communists during World War 2. The text is not in any way attempting to draw an…
by Veda Popovici and David Schwartz Our discussion is rooted in the presentation Veda Popovici gave at the conference-workshop Nationalism, Fascism and the Holocaust in Romanian History – A Critical Approach, organized by Third Generation Buchenwald during October 16 – 20 in Bucharest. Veda Popovici is interested in national identity and decolonization, topics which she pursues both in her artistic work, as well as in her theoretical endeavors. She completed her PhD on the topic of nationalism in 1970s and 1980s art. David Schwartz is a theatre director interested in the genealogy of nationalism in Romania and in histories of…