(Română) Poziţia critică a BLOCului pentru Locuire faţă de evenimentul „Housing Forum” (12 septembrie 2018, Bucureşti) şi faţă de propunerile de politici de locuire prezentate de Banca Mondială.

Get lost, B.O.R.! – A brief personal account on what happened at the anti-abortion march organized by the Orthodox Romanian Church
On March 24th, 2017, on a Friday night, I was talking to my comrade and we both got angry at the anti-abortion rally which had been authorized by the City Hall, and was to take place the next day, at noon. It’s the first time that the Orthodox Romanian Church (ORC or BOR – the Romanian acronym – as it will be called from now on in this text) itself takes the official initiative to organize an anti-abortion march. Not Provita, not some other “pro life” NGO, but BOR itself, as an institution. This happens right after the Coalition for…
Marta Talacha In 2013, Marseilles became a European Capital of Culture – to the awe and discontent of other French cities, but to the joy of intermediaries and speculators in real estates. The second largest city after Paris, first in inequalities and social divisions, leading in poverty and its nearly 40% unemployment, the town has built its identity on a coexistence of many cultures, races and religions. Immigrants have been forming the pulse of life here for ages. Armenians escaping the Turkish holocaust, Italians fleeing fascism and poverty, North-African Jews, pieds-noirs or Algerian repatriates, resettlers from Tunisia and Morocco. Here…