Home Events International workshop IDEE – Ideas, Debate, Exchange, Education. Bucharest, 9-16 of May

International workshop IDEE – Ideas, Debate, Exchange, Education. Bucharest, 9-16 of May

Workshop language: English, with some (consecutive) Romanian translation

Participants: Activists and members of self-organized collectives from Romania, Germany, UK, France

Program summary

Saturday, the 9th of May

11:00-17.00         Educational Centre Replika

  • Part one: the different participants/ groups give short presentations of their activities, topics, history and “utopias”
  • Part two: working in three thematic discussion groups, in parallel. Our proposed topics (you are welcome to propose others) are:

1) how to take action in the fields of education and social work? Considering the context of the EU, national states, NGOs and political activism

2) EU-funds vs. grassroots financing: How to finance political/ social/ cultural activism? Structures and strategies of activist collectives in East and West

3) common and contra. Is there a european left? Perspectives on european wide emancipatory political struggles, against the background of postcolonial relations west-east-south

19:00     Social Centre CLACA

  • The struggle of the workers of Berlin „Mall of Shame“. Since half a year ago, 7 romanian workers fight for their unpaid salaries and organize themselves in the Anarcho-Syndicalist federation FAU against the investors of the Mall of Berlin. Some of them will present and discuss the actual situation in Berlin and the general relation of labour and migration.

Sunday, the 10th of May

11:00     Obor Market

  • food shopping and visiting a refurbished old market of Bucharest, in a (former) working class neighbourhood

13:00     Social Centre CLACA

  • workshop: How to cook good food for a lot of people

19.00     Educational Centre Replika

  • “Bad children” theatre play in RO language about violence in schools (starting from a real case), with texts in EN and GE; followed by discussion

Monday, the 11th of May

11.30-13.30         Quantic working space

  • informal discussion with Petre Florin Manole, social activist involved in social and educational policy making, working at ministerial level;
  • discussing how the educational system works, what are the mechanism we could use to influence it; Q & A session

18.30-20.30         Faculty of Sociology

  • meeting with Master level students and professors; presentation and discussion about school books and gender inequality
  • drafting action ideas to push towards changing the manuals

Tuesday, the 12th of May

11:00     Quantic working space

  • informal discussion with Raluca Tomsa, lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, about educational experiences, tools and methods we have used/ use/ want to use in alternative political education

15:30     Quantic working space

  • testing together tools and methods we want to use in our educational actions
  • time for preparing together the coming days and actions

Wednesday, the 13th of May

10:00-12.00         Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

  • meeting with students of the pedagogy department
  • workshops and discussions – you are welcome to prepare some! The proposals so far:

1) myth of national history. How is the recent past narrated in our families and societies?

2) perspectives on future educational needs, resources, opportunities, problems in Romania

3) educational methods involving body movement and dance

4) comic books/ drawings as educational tools

15:00     Quantic working space

  • time for preparing together the coming days and actions

19:30     Educational Centre Replika

  • “Born in the wrong place” political theatre play and discussion

Thursday, the 14th of May

10.30-12.00         “Ferdinand I” School

  • meeting teachers who are exploring solidarity-building educational activities with their pupils
  • discussing the methods they use, the needs, resources, ideas they have; Q & A session

18:00-20.30         School Nr.136

  • “Working around the educational system”: public debate among representatives of Bucharest and Berlin based NGOs and action groups, on their difficulties, distances, blockages, possibilities, strategies, when interacting with state-education structures.

Friday, the 15th of May

11:30-13.00         Quantic working space

  • meeting with representatives of the teachers’ Union, discussing their organizational structure, claims, needs, previous successes; Q & A session

15:30-17.00         Quantic working space

  • evaluation of IDEE workshop, future action plans

Saturday, the 16th of May

xxx 10.30-14.00                 Bucharest city centre

  • historical-political tour on hidden histories of social struggles and resistance

xxx 16:00-22.00 street festival in Mosilor quarter

  • you are welcome to propose activities for street-fun, for kids, teens or adults

Activities marked with “xxx” still need the final confirmations and could be reprogrammed at a different hour. We will keep you informed.


Ioana Florea                      quantic.ro@gmail.com                  0726 036 408

Roland Ibold                      roland.ibold@gmx.de                    0733 859 414

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