12/13 October, 19.30h
Spațiul Platforma (Moșilor str. 62-68, close to Piața Sf. Gheorghe)
The team of Migration Stories project and The Political Theatre Season invite you to the premiere of:
– with English subtitles! –
The performance Born in the Wrong Place is based on the documentary text written by Alice Monica Marinescu and David Schwartz in 2011. The text had its international premiere at Baadisches Staatstheater, Karlsruhe, Germany, in July 2013. The play intertwines the life stories of 5 people who have gone through the experience of seeking asylum with fragments from The Guide to Obtaining Romanian Citizenship for Foreign Citizens.
The performance creates a favorable context for getting to know and understand the dynamics of migration and asylum, and the status of refugees and migrants in general. The performance aims to problematize and discuss in the public sphere issues which are of crucial importance in the current global context, issues such as the institutional fight against migration taking place at the same time as the need for migrants in the development of the capitalist economy grows, the need for asylum, the right to travel as the fundamental right of every individual and the instrumentalization of “the foreigner” as a scapegoat for social and economic issues.
All the shows will be translated into English and followed by discussions with the audience about the situation and life stories of the refugees and migrants. The performance is part of Migration Stories – project that includes a tour in Timișoara and Șomcuta Mare, cities that host Acommodation Centers for Asylum Seekers. The access at all the activities and events of the project is free of charge.
Written and directed by: Alice Monica Marinescu and David Schwartz
With: Alexandru Fifea, Katia Pascariu, Mihaela Rădescu, Andrei Șerban, Silviana Vișan
Scenography: Adrian Cristea
Music: Cătălin Rulea
Research facilitatior: Simina Guga
Special Thanks: Bashar Al-Kishawi, Margareta Eschenazy, Valentina Ivanov, Ahmad Marwi, Sana Rahimo.
Partners: Stagiunea de Teatru Politic, Spațiul Platforma, ADO SAH-ROM, Casa de Cultură a Studenților Timișoara (Teatrul Thespis), Casa de Cultură Șomcuta Mare.
Media Partners: CriticAtac, DIGI TV, RFI România, Șapte Seri, Think Outside the Box.
Migration Stories and The Political Theatre Season are projects financed by the Adiministration of the National Cultural Fund.
Contact: Ionuț Sociu +40755703526, i.sociu@ecla.de, www.artapolitica.ro,
For reservations contact Alice Monica Marinescu: +40726415514, mini_meenoo@yahoo.com