Home Events Launching the first issue of Gazeta de Artă Politică

Launching the first issue of Gazeta de Artă Politică

by radu

The coordinators of Gazeta de de Artă Politică – Mihaela Michailov, David Schwartz, Ionuţ Sociu and Marius Bogdan Tudor – kindly invite you to the launching of the first issue of our publication. The event will take place on:

  •  Thursday, February 21st, 18.30 – Bucharest – Dianei4 (str. Dianei, no. 4)
  •  Saturday, February 23rd, 18.00 – Cluj – Fabrica de Pensule (str. Henri Barbusse, no. 59-61)

Gazeta de Artă Politică discusses, theorizes and promotes art which takes a socio-political stance.
G.A.P. takes a radical approach to art in Romania and in countries facing similar struggles (in the Eastern European and Post-Soviet space, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America).
G.A.P. connects art to the political perspective of theoreticians and practitioners outside the artistic field.
G.A.P. is a publication of both critical reflection and action which focuses on the performing arts.

The theme of this first issue is Art Up Against Political Systems. The persistence of increasingly obsolete concepts such as the autonomy of the aesthetic, resistence through culture or the apolitical artist, have often triggered debates about the role of the artist in contemporary society, the need to reform institutions with the aid of radical artistic manifetos and quitting alleged neutrality in favor of taking a stand.

In this first issue of G.A.P. you can find:

  • articles and essays by Dragan Batancev, Simina Guga, Valentina Iancu, Mihaela Michailov, Lala Panait, Vlad Petri, Costi Rogozanu, Miruna Runcan, Ionuț Sociu;
  • interviews with actor and political activist Faisal Abu Al Heja (Freedom Theatre) and writer/director Nicoleta Esinencu (Teatru-Spălătorie);
  • drawings by Laurențiu Ridichie.

The graphics of the publication are the work of Alma Cazacu. The logo was designed by Cătălin Rulea.
Gazeta de de Artă Politică is a free, independent quarterly. G.A.P. is self-financed.

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