Home Events The Right to the City refuses the BETA essay contest prize

The Right to the City refuses the BETA essay contest prize

by Gazeta de Artă Politică


Media release from “The Right to the City” housing justice group in Timisoara

We have declined the award that we received in the essay competition hosted by the Beta Architecture Biennale, in order to draw attention to the fact that inviting developers, banks and real estate agencies as experts, and promoting workshops and guides where people are educated on “how to buy” a house (and engage in a lifelong debt), is very problematic. Beyond the paternalistic attitude, this is about the uncritical promotion of private homeownership — described as “natural” in the Biennale exhibition — as a solution to the housing crisis. These issues are accompanied by the absence of any critique that would expose the violence through which property was and continues to be retroceded, through which city factories and other common goods were sold off for meager sums, amidst corruption scandals, in order to make way for real estate developments (some of which presented also at the biennial expo), and poor residents of large cities are evicted on a monthly basis in order to make way for urban development. Romania is a country of profound inequalities, a country where the population was and continues to be dispossessed and systematically impoverished, while banks and real estate developers make record profits – the biggest in Europe. These things are normalized exactly through this type of discourse, a discourse that seems objective, unsituated and neutral, but which conceals the violent processes of evictions and dispossession on the one hand and marginalizes current struggles for housing rights on the other. For the reasons above, we feel that accepting the Beta award would validate and perpetuate the silence around these issues, and hope that our refusal to accept it raises awareness with the organizers and the larger public around the urgency of exposing the real and most pressing issues around housing in Romania.

Dreptul la Oraș (Right to the City) is a member of the Blocul Pentru Locuire (Block for Housing) federation, whose groups are also part of the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City – a European network of activist groups fighting for housing rights.

BETA 2018 refuz premiu eseu locuire

(scroll down for English)Am refuzat premiul acordat la concursul de eseuri din cadrul @BETA – bienala timişoreană de arhitectură, pentru a atrage atenția asupra faptului că invitarea dezvoltatorilor, a băncilor și a firmelor imobiliare în calitate de experți, promovarea workshop-urilor și ghidurilor în care oamenii sunt educați “cum să cumpere” o casă (și să se îndatoreze pe viață) sunt foarte problematice. Dincolo de o atitudine paternalistă, este vorba de promovarea necritică a locuirii în regim privat — descrisă în expoziția bienalei ca fiind “firească” — ca soluție la criza locuirii. Aceste lucruri vin concomitent cu absența unui demers critic prin care să fie expus modul violent în care proprietățile au fost și sunt retrocedate, în care fabricile orașelor și alte bunuri comune au fost vândute pe prețuri de nimic, în pline scandaluri de corupție, pentru a face loc proiectelor imobiliare (unele dintre ele prezentate în expoziția bienalei), în care locuitori săraci din marile orașe sunt evacuați lunar pentru a face loc dezvoltării urbane. România este o țară a inegalităților, o țară în care populația a fost deposedată și sărăcită sistematic, în timp ce băncile și dezvoltatorii imobiliari înregistrează anual cele mai mari profituri din Europa. Aceste lucruri sunt normalizate tocmai printr-un astfel de discurs, aparent obiectiv, neplasat și neutru, care maschează atât procesele violente de evacuare și deposedare, cât și luptele existente pentru dreptul la locuire. Considerăm că acceptarea premiului oferit de către Beta ar valida și perpetua tăcerea care există în ceea ce privește aceste probleme și sperăm că refuzul nostru va atrage atenția organizatorilor și a publicului larg asupra urgenței de a expune adevăratele și cele mai urgente probleme ale locuirii din România.Dreptul la Oraș este membru a federației Blocul pentru Locuire, ale cărei grupuri fac parte şi din Coaliția Europeană de Acţiune pentru Dreptul la Locuire și la Oraș, o rețea la nivel european de grupuri activiste care luptă pentru dreptul la locuire. — ENGWe have declined to accept the award that we received in the essay competition hosted by the Beta Architecture Biennale, in order to draw attention to the fact that inviting developers, banks and real estate agencies as experts, and promoting workshops and guides where people are educated on “how to buy” a house (and engage in a lifelong debt), is very problematic. Beyond the paternalistic attitude, this is about the uncritical promotion of private homeownership — described as “natural” in the Biennale exhibition — as a solution to the housing crisis. These issues are accompanied by the absence of any critique that would expose the violence through which property was and continues to be retroceded, through which city factories and other common goods were sold off for meager sums, amidst corruption scandals, in order to make way for real estate developments (some of which presented also at the biennial expo), and poor residents of large cities are evicted on a monthly basis in order to make way for urban development. Romania is a country of profound inequalities, a country where the population was and continues to be dispossessed and systematically impoverished, while banks and real estate developers make record profits – the biggest in Europe. These things are normalized exactly through this type of discourse, a discourse that seems objective, unsituated and neutral, but which conceals the violent processes of evictions and dispossession on the one hand and marginalizes current struggles for housing rights on the other. For the reasons above, we feel that accepting the Beta award would validate and perpetuate the silence around these issues, and hope that our refusal to accept it raises awareness with the organizers and the larger public around the urgency of exposing the real and most pressing issues around housing in Romania.Dreptul la Oraș (Right to the City) is a member of the Blocul Pentru Locuire (Block for Housing) federation, whose groups are also part of the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City – a European network of activist groups fighting for housing rights.#housingnotprofit #beta #therighttothecity #bloculpentrulocuire

Publicată de Dreptul la Oraș pe Marţi, 30 Octombrie 2018